Legal thelma

Legal information

The website you are currently visiting is the property of:

Company name: SPALLIAN SAS with capital of €6,069,240 domiciled at 44 rue Chanzy 75011 Paris.

Registered with the RCS of Paris under number: 528 688 419
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 335 286 884 19
Publication manager: Mr Renaud Prouveur, Chairman SPALLIAN SAS

Personal data

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, as amended by the Act of August 6, 2004, you have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete any personal data you have provided to us. You can exercise this right by sending a letter to the Data Controller

44 rue Chanzy
75011 Paris


« Cookies » are a block of data used to record information about an Internet user's browsing on a website. Cookies cannot be used to identify an individual. On this site, cookies are generated and used by Google Analytics, to enable Spallian to measure the site's audience.

Spallian informs Internet users that such « cookies » may be automatically installed on their Internet browsers. Browser software can be configured to inform users of the presence of cookies and, if necessary, to refuse them, by referring to the instructions for each browser software.

Internet users have the right to access, withdraw and modify personal data communicated by means of « cookies » under the conditions indicated in article 2 « Personal data ». Spallian draws the attention of Internet users to the fact that, for technical reasons, disabling cookies may restrict their access to the site.

Warranties and limitations of liability

Spallian cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites or for the use that may be made of them by users. Spallian cannot guarantee that certain characteristics of the products (in particular colors) presented on the Site reproduce the products exactly; fidelity depends in part on the quality of color rendering of each Internet user's computer equipment. Spallian undertakes to use its best efforts to ensure that the Site is operated and accessed in the best possible conditions. In any event, Spallian may not be held liable in the event of access to the Site or use of the Site's services by an Internet user who does not comply with the present terms and conditions, and in particular in the event of access to services due to fraud, loss, theft or communication of personal identifiers. Similarly, access to the Site implies acceptance by the Internet user of the particular characteristics of the Internet network and the risks and hazards associated with it (response times, risks associated with information exchanges, data piracy, presence of computer viruses).

Spallian accepts no liability whatsoever in the event of direct or indirect damage suffered by or caused to any Internet user as a result of inappropriate or negligent use of a computer or any other IT tool, failure to maintain equipment or Internet access, and more generally any malfunction of servers, telephone lines, ADSL connections, or other.

Spallian provides links to third-party websites. These links are established in agreement with the sites concerned at a time when Spallian may have deemed it appropriate to do so, given the content and services of these sites.

Intellectual Property

Access to the site gives you the right to private, non-exclusive use of this site. All articles, photographs and other documents presented on this site are the property of Spallian, or are reproduced with the authorization of their owners, and are subject to copyright and other intellectual or industrial property rights. Fraudulent use of any content on this website is strictly forbidden. Spallian informs you that it will make full use of its intellectual property rights to take legal action, including criminal prosecution, if necessary.

Site unavailability

Spallian undertakes to make every effort to ensure that users can access the site at all times. Spallian may not be held liable in the event of the site being unavailable for any reason whatsoever.


To contact us by e-mail: contact[a]